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7/8 Landscape Collage - 2018/19

Artist Eileen Downes is a "layerist painter". She creates collages composed of many layers, each she says is significant in the process of her art making. She uses bits of torn magazine papers as her “palette of paint” working with the image by adding and subtracting tonal values of the paper until she creates the effect that she desires. She even uses unusual collage materials such as band-aids, gum and candy wrappers, heirloom family photos, and sentimental letters . She adds a small amount of oil pastel to each piece to increase the textural appeal, and leaves the rough collage edges visible to add to the layered effect. 7/8 students painted watercolor papers with pieces of scrapbook papers, rice paper and painted newspapers etc. to re-create a landscape photograph with collage.

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